Monday, May 4, 2009

Meaning of Life

If times are hard and if you feel so sad
Think that others have problems too.

And just because your trials are many,
Don’t think that others donnot have any.

Life is made up of smiles and tears.
Joys and sorrows, mixed with fears.

Though to us, this seems one-sided.
Life is truly well-divided.
Those who travel in“future roads”
Sometimes carry the heaviest loads.
- rethelyn

When You Think You're Alone

Rethelyn… Inspiring Stories/Articles

I never thought of myself being alone when everyone has turned
their backs on me.
I never felt I’m a gonner when big problem strikes me.
I just take a walk… hit the road and follow my feet. That’s because I know
I’ll be walking with somebody. Somebody who will never forsake me.
At some point,
I might have forsaken him, but he’s still there for me.
And that somebody… is the Lord God.
He comforts me and takes care of me… and in my heart,
I can hear Him say, “Everything’s gonna be alright, cheer up.
I have something better for you.”
So if we just listen to what our heart says, you can hear the
Lord God speaking to you,
so just chill!!!
When you feel you’re alone…
Listen to your heart… and move on…