Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Short Story - What is the answer to your question? Who is smarter?

Short Story – What is the answer to your question?
By Rethelyn

A smart student is so popular in their school, he’s admired by everyone even by his teachers. The teacher was humble and very patient while the student was very proud because he received hundreds of gold medals from winning first prize (quiz bee in Math, English, Science, and History). He thought, he can easily answer all the questions anyone would ask him.
Then one day, the student challenged the teacher and said, "Teacher, I can answer all your questions and I even think I'm better than you! And I can prove that to you today!"

"Really?", the teacher replied.

"Yes, in fact I will challenge you to ask me any question and if I cannot answer you, I will pay you $1,000.00, you have nothing much to lose, because if I ask you a question and you cannot give an answer, you will pay me $1.00"

The teacher agreed and the student gave him the first question.
"Ok Teacher, This is described as the large scale motions of Earth’s Lithosphere, what is it called?"
The teacher hands over a $1.00 to the student because he could not remember the answer (tectonic plate)

"Ok its my turn to ask", said the teacher. "What do you call the creature that crawls only at day time and makes a sound of a lizard at night time, it has feathers and a tail of a reptile. It only eats small insects and hibernates every 6 months. It can fly and can lay more than 30 eggs at one time".

The student spent hours and hours of thinking, he was even given the chance to research, but he failed to give an answer, so he paid $1,000.00 to the teacher. After paying the teacher he asked what is the answer to the teacher's difficult question...

The teacher smiled and gave the student $1.00
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Monday, May 4, 2009

Meaning of Life

If times are hard and if you feel so sad
Think that others have problems too.

And just because your trials are many,
Don’t think that others donnot have any.

Life is made up of smiles and tears.
Joys and sorrows, mixed with fears.

Though to us, this seems one-sided.
Life is truly well-divided.
Those who travel in“future roads”
Sometimes carry the heaviest loads.
- rethelyn

When You Think You're Alone

Rethelyn… Inspiring Stories/Articles

I never thought of myself being alone when everyone has turned
their backs on me.
I never felt I’m a gonner when big problem strikes me.
I just take a walk… hit the road and follow my feet. That’s because I know
I’ll be walking with somebody. Somebody who will never forsake me.
At some point,
I might have forsaken him, but he’s still there for me.
And that somebody… is the Lord God.
He comforts me and takes care of me… and in my heart,
I can hear Him say, “Everything’s gonna be alright, cheer up.
I have something better for you.”
So if we just listen to what our heart says, you can hear the
Lord God speaking to you,
so just chill!!!
When you feel you’re alone…
Listen to your heart… and move on…

Monday, April 27, 2009

Not Forgotten

Not Forgotten
Rethelyn Loredo

A teacher once told her students, "I want all of you to remember me when you are already successful in life"
One student said,"Ofcourse I will remember you, when I'm already a successful businesswoman."
Another student said, "Ofcourse I will remember you, when I'm already a successful Engineer."
The other student said, "Ofcourse I will remember you, when I'm already a successful Teacher."
After 25 years, the teacher was old and wanted to build a house for her grandchildren before she dies.
She went to the famous Engineer in their town. When she was inside the office, she remembered that He was her student 25 years ago. The teacher went out of the office very sad not because she was not given a discount, but because she was forgotten.
The teacher realized that it was very expensive to build a house so she decided to search for loans.
She went to the richest businesswoman in their town. When she was inside the office, she remembered that the businesswoman was her student 25 years ago.
The teacher went out of the office very sad not because she was given a 30% interest rate for the money she loaned from the businesswoman, but because she was forgotten.
The teacher went home, the table was ready for dinner, her grand daughter called her to eat dinner and was very excited to tell stories about school. While they eat, the teacher could not stop a tear to roll down her cheeck when she heard her grand daughter saying, "Grand ma, my teacher wants to say THANK YOU to you, she said you were her teacher 25 years ago."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Under ground River, Puerto Princesa City

source: Palawan, an island in the South China Sea
PGO-Tourism Division
Deep cavern with rugged limestone and marble cliffs of Mt. St. Paul flows the Underground River. It is the special feature of the Park. Known as one of the world's wonders, it is a river inside the cave running 8 kms. in length. Outside the river's mouth is a beautiful lagoon that teem with fish.

Located in the Westcoast of Puerto Princesa, it is 81kms. away from the city proper and can be reached within 3 hours of land travel passing Barangay Cabayugan to Sabang then 10-15 minutes pumpboat ride from Sabang to Underground River, or a 1 1/2 to 2 hours hike passing through monkey trail.

click here to Visit Palawan.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

True Friends are not Bully

I remember getting bullied by a group of all girls star basketball varsities during my high school days. It was a nightmare, something I wished I could never have gone through. I just saw myself ending up walking around the campus carrying their stuff. It's not that I have no choice but I just do it to avoid getting into a fight or getting into trouble and I just want to be with the populars. Until one rainy day, I was expected to come to the gym to give them umbrellas... well, I did not show up. On my way there, I fainted and just blocked out. I was rushed to our school clinic and was brought to our house. I was sick and my parents didn’t want me to go back to school when I woke up that time. I was insisting to go to school, like there’s an emergency. I feel so worried that those girls would get back on me if I fail them. They were supposed to attend a party and well, they were under the impression that the party won’t happen without them. I felt so bad that I was not able to go there to give them the umbrellas but somehow, there’s a part of me that is jumping up and down, celebrating on their taste of defeat. But then, I still felt bothered. Maybe it’s because I felt it was my fault that they wasn’t able to attend that party. I knew they’ve been clamoring about it few weeks before the vent. They talk so much about what to wear, where to get their new bags and pair of shoes. They even asked me to wear something nice so they wont look bad to be seen hanging around a trash can. They expected me to be there so I can attend to their needs. Somehow I felt important. I mean, these popular girls wanted me to be with them at the party! Well, for me it doesn’t matter if I will be the one to do things for them for as long as I’m one of them. But who am I kidding? I can never be one of them! I cannot be, and I will never be!

The next day, I told my parents that I don’t want to go to school. My mom got all confused because I was the one who wanted to go to school even when I was so sick and now I will do everything to get sick again and stay home and not to go to school. My mom tried so hard to ask me why, but I could not tell her. I guess there’s this part of me that feels I’m all grown up and I can take care of myself. I don’t need my parents to protect me from anyone. My mom got worried and she stayed with me the whole day. I felt so safe, there’s no way that those mean girls can ever touch me. I felt like I’m the little chick under the wings of my mother hen. No one can harm me. As my mom sit next to me, she look at me and asked me without even saying a word. She asked me what’s wrong. It made my tears flow out like how water flows out from our kitchen faucet... non stop.

As I sob and sniff, I told her I don't want to go to school because I did something wrong to my friends. I told my mom that my friends will kill me because I did not give them the umbrellas. And I wanted to finish their projects so they won’t get too mad at me. My mom hugged me and she said that there’s no way that she will let those girls treat me like their own personal slave. She told me that it’s not my fault that they weren’t able to attend the party. It was their own fault because they got so busy on what to wear and things to bring for the party not thinking to bring their own umbrella. She said that true friends will never treat each other as someone higher or lower class. True friends will show care and have to share things together so they can enjoy things together. That true friends should feel equal and help each other to be at their best and not to abuse one’s generosity. Then she added, “In short, they’re not your true friends. So why bother?”

She’s right, I shouldn’t have grouped with them. So I decided that I should start hanging out with people who shares my interest in writing and I focused on my sports column in the school paper. Then I recalled, it was my talent of being a writer for the sports column that made them come to me. I figured out, they cannot bully me anymore. It was me who made them popular in the first place. They owe me and they should be thankful. So, I gained my courage and went to school. At the gate, I saw them there… like their waiting for me. Believe me it was the most terrifying moment in my high school life. I just walked pass them and went on, then I heard them calling me names and blaming me that they were not able to come to the party. That the party was not successful because I ruined the party. That if not because of them, people won’t even remember my name. Then I turned and faced them. I told them, “you know what? I tried to make friends with you guys but you treated me like I’m not good enough, so I get tired and I will move on and find new friends. If you have problems with that, you just have to wait for the next issue of our school paper that says ‘Basketball Varsities Bullied the School Sports Columnist’”.

Stunningly Obscure



The Reason To Try New Things

It's been easy for me to get on with new things... it's exciting and challenging.
I don't know why people get so scared about doing new things. They make it sound like it's another thing beyond their imagination or something that they're not good at so why bother to try doing it.

I heard a neighbor once saying that when our city will become a highly urbanized city, it will have new things like more investors, more jobs, more people from other places will be coming to either do business or just come for vacation and have fun. This is what he foresee for our city, Puerto Princesa City. But not this tricycle driver. He said very angrily that if people of Puerto Princesa would vote for progress and help make our city become highly urbanized, it will just put all Palawanos into shame. Well, when I heard him talk like that, I figured out that he was really sincere to what he was saying. So, I asked him why. And he answered very vigorously. He said the city is not ready to become a highly urbanized city. It's all for politics, he said. Then, I wanted to ask more but I just reached the only shopping mall in the city and have to pay six pesos. As I reached to him my tricycle fare, he said with a mirk... "when our city becomes highly urbanized, you will have to pay me eight pesos or even more". I just smiled at him...

Now, the city is highly urbanized. Well, not in the physical aspect... just on papers.

And yes, the tricycle fare now is eight pesos... I heard they will have to make it to even ten pesos if I ask the tricycle to drop me off at the front of my gate. I usually pay six pesos even if I ask the driver to stop in front of my gate.

But hey, I see many establishments starting to sprout like mushrooms around the heart of Puerto Princesa, Corporate Lawyers are here, many are selling portions of their lands to people who wants to invest and these investors will put up other establishments that will generate jobs for people of Puerto Princesa. It's going to be a good thing even though the city don't have good drainage system where alot of streets still get flooded, alot of streets are dark because there are places where electricity is not yet available, there are still places where there's no cellphone signals and alot of places that still have no proper roads.

Anything that is new is not bad.

It can be surprising and brings good things, we just have to wait, cope up and be open.
