Thursday, April 2, 2009

True Friends are not Bully

I remember getting bullied by a group of all girls star basketball varsities during my high school days. It was a nightmare, something I wished I could never have gone through. I just saw myself ending up walking around the campus carrying their stuff. It's not that I have no choice but I just do it to avoid getting into a fight or getting into trouble and I just want to be with the populars. Until one rainy day, I was expected to come to the gym to give them umbrellas... well, I did not show up. On my way there, I fainted and just blocked out. I was rushed to our school clinic and was brought to our house. I was sick and my parents didn’t want me to go back to school when I woke up that time. I was insisting to go to school, like there’s an emergency. I feel so worried that those girls would get back on me if I fail them. They were supposed to attend a party and well, they were under the impression that the party won’t happen without them. I felt so bad that I was not able to go there to give them the umbrellas but somehow, there’s a part of me that is jumping up and down, celebrating on their taste of defeat. But then, I still felt bothered. Maybe it’s because I felt it was my fault that they wasn’t able to attend that party. I knew they’ve been clamoring about it few weeks before the vent. They talk so much about what to wear, where to get their new bags and pair of shoes. They even asked me to wear something nice so they wont look bad to be seen hanging around a trash can. They expected me to be there so I can attend to their needs. Somehow I felt important. I mean, these popular girls wanted me to be with them at the party! Well, for me it doesn’t matter if I will be the one to do things for them for as long as I’m one of them. But who am I kidding? I can never be one of them! I cannot be, and I will never be!

The next day, I told my parents that I don’t want to go to school. My mom got all confused because I was the one who wanted to go to school even when I was so sick and now I will do everything to get sick again and stay home and not to go to school. My mom tried so hard to ask me why, but I could not tell her. I guess there’s this part of me that feels I’m all grown up and I can take care of myself. I don’t need my parents to protect me from anyone. My mom got worried and she stayed with me the whole day. I felt so safe, there’s no way that those mean girls can ever touch me. I felt like I’m the little chick under the wings of my mother hen. No one can harm me. As my mom sit next to me, she look at me and asked me without even saying a word. She asked me what’s wrong. It made my tears flow out like how water flows out from our kitchen faucet... non stop.

As I sob and sniff, I told her I don't want to go to school because I did something wrong to my friends. I told my mom that my friends will kill me because I did not give them the umbrellas. And I wanted to finish their projects so they won’t get too mad at me. My mom hugged me and she said that there’s no way that she will let those girls treat me like their own personal slave. She told me that it’s not my fault that they weren’t able to attend the party. It was their own fault because they got so busy on what to wear and things to bring for the party not thinking to bring their own umbrella. She said that true friends will never treat each other as someone higher or lower class. True friends will show care and have to share things together so they can enjoy things together. That true friends should feel equal and help each other to be at their best and not to abuse one’s generosity. Then she added, “In short, they’re not your true friends. So why bother?”

She’s right, I shouldn’t have grouped with them. So I decided that I should start hanging out with people who shares my interest in writing and I focused on my sports column in the school paper. Then I recalled, it was my talent of being a writer for the sports column that made them come to me. I figured out, they cannot bully me anymore. It was me who made them popular in the first place. They owe me and they should be thankful. So, I gained my courage and went to school. At the gate, I saw them there… like their waiting for me. Believe me it was the most terrifying moment in my high school life. I just walked pass them and went on, then I heard them calling me names and blaming me that they were not able to come to the party. That the party was not successful because I ruined the party. That if not because of them, people won’t even remember my name. Then I turned and faced them. I told them, “you know what? I tried to make friends with you guys but you treated me like I’m not good enough, so I get tired and I will move on and find new friends. If you have problems with that, you just have to wait for the next issue of our school paper that says ‘Basketball Varsities Bullied the School Sports Columnist’”.

Stunningly Obscure



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